StratMen is a result of lessons in life that have been learnt out of personal experience and the experiences of the vast multitude of people from all walks of life. It seeks in a nutshell to extend the benefits of the learning to individuals aspiring for personal and organizational success in the world of academics and corporate professionalism.
We at Stratmen believe in the power of an individual to bring about a change by being the change. The key is to inspire individuals to graduate to higher levels of thinking on the personal, organizational and social front in order to achieve a more holistic view and experience of success.
Change is a continuous process rather than an isolated incident or achievement. It is a process of transition which is gradual and comprehensive in terms of its effectiveness and objective compliance. Interventions in terms or sessions, trainings or workshops are a great thing to have on the event list for individuals and organizations. However they lack effectiveness in terms of catalyzing and sustaining real change.
We believe in the concept of ‘being part of the change’ or mentoring for objectives that are of strategic importance to the scripting of individual and corporate success stories.